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Student Financial Services

Student Financial Services

学生金融服务办公室在这里帮助您解决有关您的学生账户的问题. 皇冠365官方app办公室的最好方法是打电话 504-865-3337 or emailing us at Our office is located in Thomas Hall 302. 如果需要与某个人取得联系,请参阅我们的 staff directory

Your student account includes:

  • Tuition
  • Fees
  • Room, board, and related costs
  • Payments
  • Credits
  • Scholarships
  • Financial Aid

与学生财务服务部安排一次虚拟、面对面或电话会议 using this link.

Tuition and Fees


Who should I contact about my tuition bill?

Item on bill Office to call Phone


Student Financial Services



Bursar's Office


Residence Hall and Meal Plan Charges

Residential Life


Student Health Insurance and Waivers

Student Health Services



Financial Aid



Financial Aid - Law


Parking Decals and/or Fines

Parking Services


Library Fines and Fees

Monroe Library



皇冠app官方版下载认为任何身份盗窃的威胁都是迫在眉睫和高度重要的事情,并执行其 Red Flag Identity Theft Prevention policy to mitigate any threats. 

Payment Plans

Set up a monthly payment plan.

Student Account Refunds

Requesting a Student Account Refund

Frequently Asked Questions

每个学期的账单都可以在我们的电子商务系统中查看和打印. Students may see their account summary in LORA Self-Service 根据学生的财务状况,进入电子商务系统查看自己的账单, make payments, 并创建一个有权访问账单和付款的授权用户.

秋季的账单将在7月初公布, November for spring, and April for summer. When we generate a new billing statement, 电子邮件提醒发送到学生的洛约拉电子邮件帐户以及学生已设置的任何授权用户的电子邮件地址. Students are expected to meet our payment deadlines 并且会因不付款而被取消注册.

您的帐户摘要可以在学生财务部分查看 LORA Self-Service

Students can set up authorized users 在他们的LORA自助服务账户中,这样父母和照顾者就可以查看学费账单并付款. 一旦学生允许访问他们的电子商务帐户, 授权用户将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含登录凭据信息和访问帐户的说明. 已被授予帐户访问权限的授权用户可以 log in on this page.

Please view the payment options page 查看支付学费的完整方法列表. 

通过LORA自助服务的电子商务系统可提供付款计划. View instructions to set up a payment plan.

如果你没有未付的学费余额,你可以保留自己挣来的勤工俭学基金. 如果你有一个到期的余额,你不能支付你的全部账单, 你可以扣除与你计划获得的勤工俭学奖励等值的金额. But in return, 所有学时必须及时提交,工资支票必须直接存入您的学费账户. As a convenience, 你可以授权人力资源办公室直接将你的收入记入你的学费账单.

将收取250美元的滞纳金. You may also be dis-enrolled. 所有付款必须在出席前完成.

我们的奖学金和财政援助办公室可以帮助您确定哪种融资方案适合您. 联邦援助和私人贷款可能取决于你的情况. Please visit our Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for more information.

可能有很多原因导致你的贷款还没有到位. First, be sure you have accepted your award; this can be done online through LORA Self-Service. 此外,您可能需要填写主本票以及入学面试. 在"你的文件"下面查,或者找你的辅导员 Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.

After all tuition, fees, 其他费用都付了,你的学生账户里还有多余的钱, 你可以从你的学生账户中申请退款. A refund can be requested by using our online refund request form. 退款通常需要7-10个工作日的处理时间,只有在收到所有资金后才会发放. 但是,如果是用信用卡付款,付款时使用的同一张卡将被退还. 

通过LORA自助服务在我们的电子商务系统上提供电子退款资料的学生将在获得批准后将退款发放到该银行账户. 退款给没有电子退款档案的学生,退款给家长和其他第三方将以支票形式发出,并邮寄到申请表上提供的地址 refund request form. 发给学生的退款支票将只邮寄到LORA自助服务中列出的地址. 请记住,退款通常需要大约一周的处理时间.

Contact Information

Loyola University New Orleans
Office of Student Financial Services
6363 St. Charles Avenue
Campus Box 206
New Orleans, LA 70118-6143

Office Phone: (504) 865-3337


Thomas Hall, Room 302
Campus Map

Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.